Add "AI generated summary" like in Google reviews

Title says everything.
There is an option to make an “AI generated summary” of all reviews in the google reviews widget. This is very usefull, as customers get a handy summary of all reviews.


Happy to see new faces among us! Welcome :wave:

We see how useful AI Summary might be for our users and we’ll try our best to consider it for the widget future updates. I’ll keep you posted here :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks a bunch for adding your idea to the Wishlist!

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I would love to get the AI Generated summary feature for the All in one reviews!

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Hi there and welcome aboard @TripOutside_com :wave:

We already have such a request and I’ve moved your comment to the dedicated thread. We’ll keep you in the loop here :slightly_smiling_face:

Many thanks for sharing your feedback with us!

I have just UPGRADED from the Google review app to incorporate other sources and I have lost the AI summary that is available on Google. I found this an excellent guest focussed summary that summarises the Google reviews easily.

All in one reviews does have some benefits and is clearly an upgrade but on this one area I feel that it is a downgrade.




Welcome to the Community @David_G :wave:

I do see your point, and I’m very sorry that All-in-One Reviews widget doesn’t support AI Summary.

We already have such a request in our Wishlist and I’ve moved your comment there. All the updates will be posted in this thread :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks a bunch for pointing us in this direction, it’s much appreciated!

Please add an A.I review feature similar to the way the google review widget has!

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Hey there @Anthony_Carranza :wave:

A huge thank you for sharing your thoughts!

I absolutely agree with you that it would be a great addition, and we already have such a request in the Wishlist. I’ve moved your comment to the dedicated thread, where we’ll keep you updated :slightly_smiling_face:

to show keywords from the collective reviews :thinking: :+1:

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Hey there @Dan_Austin :wave:

Many thanks for sharing your suggestion!

I agree that the AI Generated Summary would definitely enhance our All-in-One Reviews app. We already have a similar request in the Wishlist and I’ve moved your comment there too.

We’ll keep you updated :slightly_smiling_face:


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Any update on this? It is extremely valuable. Is there an ETA for this roadmap feature?

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Hey there, @Info_at_BEST :wave:

Many thanks for the feedback!

I wish I could share any news, but this feature isn’t on our roadmap, and it’s hard to give any predictions about the ETA for now. I am really sorry!

To give you some context, we prioritize requests based on their complexity and popularity. Right now, we have a lot of requests with the higher priority and our devs are focused on them. You can check them here.

Hopefully, we’ll be able to consider this feature in one of the future updates and I’ll make sure to update you here if anything changes :slightly_smiling_face:

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is there an update on this? just upgraded and wish this was a feature.

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Hi there and welcome to the Community, @Dale_Gremillion :wave:

I wish I could share an update, but, unfortunately, we haven’t got any news yet. If anything changes, we’ll inform you here right away!

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No worries, I’ll be patient.


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