A Random Tarot Card or Image Generator

I would love a random image or tarot card generator that people could choose a single card or 3 card spread. It could be used for palette generators, product idea generators, name generators. So many options but it would need a button for people to click on to generate a new output.

I’d personally like to upload front and back images and have between 30-60 images I could upload or reference with a URL. I’d like the option to have different front and back images.


@Marissa_Loewen your idea sounds really nice, many thanks for sharing with us! :tada:

We’ll keep your request in mind, and I hope we’ll include it in our catalog one day :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot for your help!

Thank you! Hopefully we can get this on the roadmap!


Yasss! I know so many people including myself that would add this to their websites. This would definitely keep customers more interested in spending time in your website.


Hey @Karly_Sevinsky1 :wave:

Yes, I totally understand your point. If this request gets more votes, we’ll try to consider it in one of our future updates.

Many thanks for sharing your feedback with us and welcome to Community!

Bumping this up for folks to see

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Hello there @Marissa_Loewen :wave:

Thank you for your input!

We’ll keep you informed about any changes in this topic :slightly_smiling_face: