Youtube gallery filtter ability

I have a client who wants to display videos from a large corporation - But they only want to display videos that contain certain keywords. I suggest a filter option like you guys have on the reviews widget. Options for including and excluding videos. I think it would be an easy ad on, and could always be a massive game changer.

Hi @user3553 :wave:

Your ideas do sound like a great addition to the widget, I hope our devs will pay attention to them in our future updates. I’ll be posting here in case of any news :slightly_smiling_face:

However, I’d like to tell you that filters for Youtube source are available in our Social Feed app. You are very welcome to check it out:



Thanks a lot for sharing your feedback and welcome to Community :heart:

Thanks Max for Posting this — this is a feature we need as well with YouTube Videos (Social Feed — Filter looks and works great, but the YouTube Widget has a better grid layout for Videos)

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Hi @Dan_Parks :wave:

Understand your point and agree that this functionality is really important for YouTube Gallery as well.

Hope the devs will find it possible to include it in one of the near updates.

Thank you so much for sharing your feedback and welcome to Community :wink: