Weird right spacing when using Elfsight widget

Good day,

We had notice some random spacing along the right side of all widget in mobile view. We are unsure what causes it.

Our website is

Thank you

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Try adding this code to Custom CSS tab

body, html {overflow-x: hidden !important;}

Good day,

We had try input in the Custom CSS tab, but is still not working. We are using Weebly.


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Can you keep the code in CSS tab? We can check it again easier. Currently I don’t see the code

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Hello @Marketing1! We are so glad to see that you’ve joined our Community! Welcome :tada:

I am terribly sorry that you’ve faced such an inconvenience!

I’ve checked your website from mobile and there isn’t any right spacing on my side:

If the issue still persists, could you please specify what device and browser you are using? The screenshot of the issue would be highly appreciated!

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Good day,

Sure, we had input the CSS code inside the CSS tab. Currently I had enable the WhatsApp widget.

Thank you.

Good day,

Sorry as we had disable the widget, but we had enable it back.

Below is the screenshot of the right spacing.

Currently we had used on Android phone on Chrome Browser and using Windows Chrome with “Inspect Element” on and switch to mobile view.

Thank you.

Which page are you referring to? I just checked on Samsung A04/Chrome & it is fine on Homepage

Good day,

Is the homepage.

We had try on iPhone on Safari and also encounter this issue.

Thank you.

@Marketing could you please check your website in incognito mode?

Also, please specify the model of your phone. We’ll be happy to check things for you!

Good day,

We try incognito mode everything is working.

We are using VIVO X80 Pro.

Thank you.

@Marketing1 If I understood you correctly, there is no spacing in incognito mode. Am I right?

In this way, this spacing appears because of the informational panel. You see the panel when you are logged in. So, you are the only person who can see it.

Please let me know if this explains things or if you have any other questions.

Good day,

Yes there is no spacing in incognito mode.

Seems like it was as you mention, an information panel as we are login to Elfsight on the same browser. We had try open the website on another account, and is working fine.

Many thanks Max and tuanphan.


I had the same issue on my Squarespace site and this worked for me, thank you!!

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Happy to see new faces around here @Brandon_Cressman :wave:

It’s awesome that you found the solution for your use case in our Community.

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