Vimeo Gallery repeats videos

One of my Vimeo Galleries is connected to a Vimeo Channel featuring 36 videos. No matter how I change things, the widget shows the first 26 videos, and then starts from the beginning, repeating those 26 videos. PLEASE HELP!

[* Link to the page with the widget in question:]
(Video Editor — MOTHERLOAD Films)


@user1046 I’m really sorry about this issue, I’ve checked your website and I did replicate the behaviour you described.

Let us investigate it, I’ll get back to you as soon as I’ve got news :raised_hands:t2:

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@user1046 thanks a lot for your patience!

I’m happy to say that the issue is fixed, and the widget works correctly now. Could you please check it and let me know if everything’s fine on your end too?

Hi Helga

All the videos in the gallery are loading, finally, thanks. But now I have NO control over the order in which they are displayed (very important)! Before, the videos appeared as ordered in the Vimeo gallery on Vimeo—can you please replace that option??

Also, there is no thumbnail appearing in the player at the top—it is just black.



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@user1046 Hi Liz, I’m really sorry about this another issue :frowning:

The good news is that our devs have corrected things as well, so the widget should work as expected now.

Could you please check and let me know if you’re good?