Unwanted push notification popup now appears after installing form widget

Hello Elfsight Community:)

We just installed an Elfsight popup form on the front page of our website, https://www.vinteractive.com.

The popup form works great, but after installing it, we noticed a new popup appearing after 30 seconds of inactivity. It offers push notifications from our company, but we don’t use push notifications and don’t want this popup to appear.

Is this a feature, bug, or malware? Is anyone else experiencing this? Can I disable this function?

Thanks for reading;)

Bryan St. Amant
VinterActive LLC

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Hi there, @Bryan_St_Amant :wave:

The popup you’ve reported isn’t our app. As you can see from the screenshot, it seems to be a SendPulse plugin:

If you’re facing difficulties with its removal, we recommend you contacting the SendPulse support :slightly_smiling_face:

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