Testimonial slider is showing graphics when i hover over it in preview mode

  • Testimonial slider widget is showing graphics popping up at the top of the testimonials when i hover over it in preview mode in WIX. I haven’t published yet as I dont want this error live on my site. It is in both mobile and desktop view

I have attached an image

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This image is the information panel. It’s displayed for you as the account owner, and only you can see it when you’re logged into Elfsight. Your website visitors never ever see it at all.

You can check the widget on your website in incognito mode to make sure that no one else can see it. And here is a special article about it - Why I see a panel above my widget.

However, if you still want to hide it, you can add this CSS code to the Custom CSS section in your widget settings:

.global-styles, .eapps-widget-toolbar {
display: none !important;

Thank you, thats very helpful! How do I get the panel to display correctly on my wix editor site, please?

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Could you please send me a screenshot of how the panel looks in the Wix editor?

its not visible at all in the wix editor. Only when I preview in wix is it partially visible (as in my original screen shot). It would be great to see it in wix!

It is also visible online when i publish my site.

I have just hidden the panel using the code now… but it would have been great to utilize it in the wix editor.

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Thank you!

Please try to add this code to the Custom CSS field and let me know if it helped:

.eapps-widget-toolbar {
  top: 0 !important;