Team Showcase - Addressing the "Location" contact text

Hey! Loving the widget. Coding noob here. Just seeing how to call the “Location” and other “contact” text within custom CSS. (I’m wanting to change the font size and weighting).


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Hey @Cam_JustSo.Creative , welcome to the community!

Could you please try this CSS code and let me know if it worked? :slight_smile:

.eapp-team-showcase-member-card-info-component > div:not([class*="eapp-team-showcase-member-card-info-"]),
.eapp-team-showcase-member-card-info-component > a {
  font-weight: bold;
  font-size: 18px;
  line-height: 1;
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You’re a genius!

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I’m happy my solution worked!

Feel free to drop by if you have any more questions, we’re always delighted to help! :smiling_face: