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Hello @Malik_Muhammad_Hasna :wave:

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us!

Could you please describe your use case in more detail? How are you going to use this app? What features/settings are must-have for you?

This info would help us better understand your idea :slightly_smiling_face:

Please Add Sign In & Sign up form & Thanks For Contact

I am Use for Game modding website

We have a Subscription Form app, which can be used as a sign-up form. Feel free to test it out :slightly_smiling_face:

However, if it’s not what you are looking for, please provide more details and specify which features are missing.

I means to add registration Form which add full name, email password, phone, address, postal/zip code and other

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Sorry brother I have new idea please add new gadget to make template for blogger, WordPress, and more

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Cancel sign in/ signup form and apply the template maker idea please

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Got it! To implement your use case with the sing-up form, our Forms would be a perfect fit for you.

Regarding your 2nd idea, could you please share your vision of this app? What features/settings would you like to see there?