It would be awesome to set the number of events per row for Grid layout
Grid mode is beautiful but the events are large and only 2 fit on a line. If we could set the size of the Events we could have a reasonable amount on one line, and then have the slider feature from the Slider setting. In fact, if Slider could have 4 events showing at a time and be a vertical Event format, that would be just as awesome
Hi there, @Jim_Cozzens
We already have a similar suggestion on the Wishlist, and I’ve merged your comment with the existing request.
In the meantime, we’d be happy to find a custom solution for you. Could you please specify how many events you’d like to display in a row?
As for the slider feature with vertical format, you’d like to show 4 events in 1 column with an opportunity to slide them, right?
Hello Max and thank you for your email! Yes, four events would be the right number.
Unfortunately, it’s impossible to display several events in a column with the slider option. However, if you want to show 4 events in a row in Grid layout, please use this code in the Custom CSS field on the Style tab of your widget’s settings:
.eapp-events-calendar-grid-item {
min-width: 25% !important;
3 posts were split to a new topic: Adjust number of events per row in