Searchbar (to find the PDF file in the list) and Tags

The usability and aesthetic of PDF embed is awesome! Unfortunately, there is no way to pinpoint certain embeds through a search bar or tags. It would be wonderful to have a search bar so patrons do not need to scroll through to find what they are looking for.


Hi @Michelle_Eliason and welcome to Elfsight family :wave:

I really like your idea, thanks a lot for sharing! I see that it would be very helpful and convenient. We’ll try to take your suggestion under consideration.

I’ll be posting here in case of any news :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi, any update on the searchbar for PDF embed ? I have several catalogs on it, and a search bar would be super !

Thank you!

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Hi @Josefine :wave:

Unfortunately, we haven’t got any news regarding this feature yet. I am really sorry!

I do see your point and agree that this feature would be of a great help. Hope the devs will find a solution, and I’ll make sure to update you here once I have any news :slightly_smiling_face:

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