Search Widget - Close X

Using the Search widget. On the full page search results page… the ‘X’ to close the page is a square and not obvious for user to close. Is this a configuration/color issue? To see type a search into box on Happens on Edge and Firefox - have not tried on Chrome

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Hi there, @Jason13 :wave:

Apologies for the inconvenience!

We’ve fixed the issue by adding this code to the Custom CSS field on the Settings tab of your widget’s settings:

.global-styles, .eapps-search-9e1ecf28-4753-452e-bbd0-3aee3b0be23e-custom-css-root svg g {
 fill: none !important; 

Please check your website and let me know if it’s fine now :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks - could you pls do this for the 2 other search widgets on my dashboard

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Hi there, @Jason13 :wave:

Done! You just had to replace the widget id in the code with the ID of the relevant widgets:


Please check your widgets and let me know how they work :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you!

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No problem!

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