Pinterest Feed Follow Button-not working on mobile

  • Issue description:
    The Pinterest feed is working great on desktop-even when I use the “Inspect” tool to view it on mobile. But when I go to the site on a phone, the follow button throws an error message saying “Board not found”. On desktop, it goes to “All Pins”. I have tried this on 3 different phones and they all have the same issue.
  • Link to the page with the widget in question:
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Hi there and welcome aboard @Meta_Newlin :wave:

I’ve checked your website on mobile and the Follow button is working fine on my end:

Could you please double-check it and let me know if it’s fine now?

If the issue still persists, please specify your device and browser version. I’ll be happy to look into this for you :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi Max, I checked again and it still does not work on a phone. I am on an iPhone 15 promax and I had a friend check it on their iPhone 12 this is an issue on Chrome and Safari. I attached a screenshot of what happens when I click the follow button. There are no issues when I am on a computer.

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Got it, thanks!

I’ve shared your request with the devs and will get back to you once I receive a response from them :slightly_smiling_face: