Like button

Would be great to get a like button similar to this

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That’s a really great idea, @Nigel, thanks a lot for sharing and for providing an example!

We’ll try to consider your idea in the future :slight_smile:

And yes, welcome to the forum, great to have you with us! :tada:

How can i have one widget for like to my homepage (Like and count how many likes i received

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@user3125 thank you for your comment and welcome to the Elfsight community!

I’ve added your request to our Wishlist, and I’ll make sure to bring you up-to-date regarding the progress here :slight_smile:

Thank you for your help!

Can they make just a normal like button pls :pray:


Hey @user16352! Welcome to the Community. :blush:
Do you want a like button like this?

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Hi there, @user16352 :wave:

Thanks for adding your request to the Wishlist!

We already have a similar idea on the Wishlist, and I’ve added your comment there too.

However, it still would be really helpful if you could share an example of the like button you’d like to have. Could you please share it in this thread?

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