I need the users from my website to be able to pick the location being displayed.
Folks, our former Wishlist portal, where our users shared their requests and suggestions, was transferred to this forum. You’re most welcome to vote, add new ideas, and leave your comments here — we surely will consider them all!
Original Votes: 4
Additin the ability to choose city by site visitor would be a plus. Site owners can set a default location for initial display, while allowing the site visitor to choose their own desired location.
I need the users from my website to be able to pick the location being displayed, since the weather in their town probably won’t match the weather in whatever city I pick.
Definitely a feature I would like to see!
Thanks a lot for your comment, @user2675, it means a lot!
I’ll make sure to keep you updated on the progress here
Thank you for helping us, and welcome to the Elfsight Community!
I completely agree with this request. My website is aimed at customers in the agricultural sector and it would be great for them to have the freedom to choose their location and even check the weather for different geographies, as many of them farm on different locations in Brazil.
Many thanks for sharing your feedback!
We absolutely agree that this feature would be beneficial for many users. Rest assured, we’ll keep you abreast of any changes here