Language Translator Stuck on Spanish

  • Issue description:
    The language translator is great, but it’s stuck only on Spanish. All other translations work well, but after selecting spanish, the App will not engage any other language.

Any suggestions? Thanks so much!

  • Link to the page with the widget in question:
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Happy to see you on our forum! Welcome, @user2656 :wave:

I see the issue, and I am so sorry about it!

Your request is with our devs now. I’ll report back once I have any news :slightly_smiling_face:

The issue is caused by another plugin for translation installed on your website (Weglot).

To fix it, you just need to disable the Weglot plugin. Try it out and let me know if it helped :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks so much for your help! I’ve removed all of the weglot code from the site and it still gets stuck on spanish? I suspect it is still related to weglot, but figure out why? The goes up tomorrow with the translations. Please help :slight_smile:

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It’s odd because the browser tries to switch to the proper url, but then flips back to

It won’t allow the url to change:

And only on Spanish

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Hi there, @user2656 :wave:

It seems that you’ve just hidden Weglot, but not actually removed it.

Here are the styles you are using to hide the Weglot plugin:

For, example on this page, there is no Weglot plugin and our app works correctly there.

Thus, to make the Website widget work correctly there, you need to completely remove the Weglot plugin from the pages of your website.

Give it a try and let me know if it helped :slightly_smiling_face: