Issue with results after closing calculator form


First of all, many thanks for the form integration. It’s very useful. Now i am almost going live and will soon be a paying customer, but I am experiencing an issue with the calculator.

Everything works fine until I open the popup form where clients can enter their name and email address. If I close the popup instead of continuing, the calculator results no longer appear until the page is reloaded. I have some custom CSS, but even without it—and even within Elfsight’s calculator editor—the issue still occurs.

My question is: Is this issue specific to my calculator, or is it a widespread problem? I hope you can look into it.

Thanks in advance and best regards,


Hi there, @D_C :wave:

Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention!

I’ve forwarded this issue to the devs and will update you once it’s fixed :slightly_smiling_face:

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@D_C the widget is fixed and everything should be working fine in the configurator. To apply this fix to the live version, you should click “Publish” in the widget’s configurator.

Check it out and let me know if everything is fine now :slightly_smiling_face:

The issue is indeed fixed. Thank you for the incredibly fast response and solution! :smiley:


You’re most welcome :wink: