I'd like to have a section called 'add-ons'

I’d like to have a section called ‘add-ons’ in the comparison table. In this section, we can list additional features or services available for each pricing plan beyond the basic package. These add-ons could include extra functionalities or benefits that users can choose to include with their selected plan for an additional cost. For example, in a software comparison table, the add-ons might include options like priority support, additional storage space, advanced analytics, or integrations with third-party tools. This would give users the flexibility to customize their plan according to their specific needs and budget

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Hi there @user11638 and welcome aboard :wave:

Thank you for adding your idea to the Wishlist!

I’ve checked your widget and see that you’ve already added the Add-ons section to a separate table. Do I understand correctly that you’d like to display add-ons for each column within one table?

If it’s not what you’ve meant, could you please elaborate on your idea?