How do I truncate Trip Advisor reviews?

Some of my reviews are very long. I need to keep the space on the website concise, and have it say, “read more” as it’s carousel-ing. I cannot find an option to do that in any of the style or review options .

See here to see what I mean. At the moment, they just disappear.

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Hi @user2089 :wave:

I see that my colleague Ksenia has already reached out to you in a support ticket. As she mentioned, the reviews get cropped on your website because the widget’s container is too small. So it’s better to expand the size of the widget’s container to avoid that - How to change the size of widget’s container on Wix.

In case you still need to show only the part of your reviews, please get back to Ksenia and let her know how you’d like to display long reviews. She’ll be happy to help :slightly_smiling_face: