Gallery Block with card flip for double sided images

Share your use case and provide as many details to support your idea as possible:
I’d love to have a gallery slide for images where the roll over allows you to have a different image when you hover, releaxvling a second image of set of data, like a card. But also allow you to scroll up dow or left to right in configuration, or fo mobile to shuffle the images for responsiveness.

Hi @Martha_Lynn :wave:

Thanks a bunch for adding your idea to the Wishlist!

Do you know any similar apps that work this way? If not, could you please share a screenshot of how it should look?

This info would help us better understand your idea :slightly_smiling_face:

It’d be helpful to have a new widget that enables me to use “flip cards” on my website.

Example: Common Ninja

This would allow me to feature key topics and then, when the user hovers over a card, it’d flip over and showcase more info about the topic.

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@Jeff_Merrell Thank you so much for sharing an example!

We already have a similar idea, and I’ve merged your comment with it, so that you wouldn’t miss any updates :slightly_smiling_face:

Would be cool if the feature can be added that when an image is hovered over, it changes to a different version of that image

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Hello there @Hugo_Vermaak :wave:

Glad to say that we have a similar idea in the Wishlist! I’ve moved your comment to the related thread, where we’ll keep you in the loop.

Many thanks for your feedback and welcome to the Community :wink:

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