the Font color Placeholdertext from Dropdown is not the same than those from the other form fields.
I can’t adjust it either.
What is the CSS to help you?
I have this
rgba(17, 17, 17, 0.5)
@Helga @Rena but the Label Inside Color when the Label Position is inside i can’t get it.
Hey @Sina, thanks for your request!
You can change the font color in the dropdown menu using the following CSS code:
[class*="Dropdown__Select"], [class*="Dropdown__Select"] option {
color: rgba(17, 17, 17, 0.5);
Please add this code in the beginning of your CSS codes like this:
Once you do this, please let me know how it goes
Hey @Rena thank you.
It only works half the time.
The selected option shouldn’t be like that, just the placeholder. “Anrede *” is the Placeholder.
Hence the question option[value=“”]
Dear @Sina, I’m sorry for the misunderstanding!
Here is another CSS code which should work correctly:
[class*="Dropdown__Select"]:has(option:disabled:checked) {
color: rgba(17, 17, 17, 0.5);
Could you please try it and let me know if this helped?
Hi @Rena
that works the way it likes. Everything is possible if you master CSS. I tried for a really long time, but didn’t succeed. Wonderful and thank you very much.
@Sina thanks for your kind words! I’m very happy to know that the code works perfectly!