Flickr Album

The possibility of having a Widget to show the photos of a FLICKR account or a FLICKR album. Thx.


Folks, our former Wishlist portal, where our users shared their requests and suggestions, was transferred to this forum. You’re most welcome to vote, add new ideas, and leave your comments here — we surely will consider them all! :star_struck:

Original Votes: 1

Hi Adrian,

Thanks a lot for sharing your idea!

We’ll try to consider your request, I guess it could be a very nice widget :slight_smile:

Thank you for your help!

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I was making a similar request, so the system informed that there was a similar one! You have my full support.

Hello! My suggestion is to create a widget for Flickr ( Although I can already embed an album on my website, the options are limited and it doesn’t offer good integration. As it is a popular image storage service, I believe it would be of great use.


@Marcio22 thank you very much for your comment and for describing your use case! I really hope we’ll go it a go in the future :slight_smile:

We would love to show our Flickr albums in a carousel on our home page.
The latest albums would show on a carousel and a click on an album would pop a box containing its n first pictures. A “more” button would show n more. A “back to the albums” button would close the box and take us back to the carousel. Etc…
Thanks for considering,

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Hi there, @user15902 :wave:

Thank you for the feedback!

A similar idea is already on the Wishlist. I’ve moved your comment to a related thread, where we’ll keep you updated :slightly_smiling_face: