File Embed - Multiple document uploads

Is it possible to upload multiple documents in one go to the File Embed app? Thanks

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Hi there, @digitalPAC :wave:

Right now, this option isn’t supported in our app. I’ve added your idea to the Wishlist and if it becomes popular, we’ll try to consider it in the future :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks for the reply and so quickly. Can I check that non of the forms available as widgets can do multiple document uploads?


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If you mean the bulk upload of documents to the File field in our Forms, this feature works great:

However, if I misunderstood you, please describe your idea in more detail :slightly_smiling_face:

Not quite what I wanted. I have a need to upload say 10 documents via one of the widgets, which others will download at will. These documents will be replaced monthly with updated data, hence wanting to upload them all in one go, rather than each one which looks as though it would take quite some time, especially as this is done multiple times during the year.


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Got you! Right now, we don’t have an existing solution for this case, but we’ll try to consider this opportunity within this request :slightly_smiling_face:

Hey there, @digitalPAC :wave:

I am coming with the great news - now you can upload multiple files to your File embed widget right away :rocket:

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Excellent, thanks really helpful.