Exit pop up for mobile

Exit pop up for mobile


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Original Votes: 4


Thanks a lot for adding your idea!

Our dev team will try the best they can to consider this option and implement it in one of the future updates.

Thank you very much for your help!

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We can trigger exit on the website on PC by current pop up trigger setting. But most users come from mobile(like 98% from the mobile device) and we would like to have a pop up window to prevent exit on mobile when users click the back button because it would be a very big impact to our ecommerce business as most people exit on the website without purchases on mobile.


When the user taps on the back button, the exit intent pop-up is displayed.

I was unable to activate any functions on a mobile device using the exit intent trigger. According to their documentation, exit intent is not functional on mobile or tablet devices. However, I devised a workaround, and you can also find the JavaScript code in the comment below or YT vid description. Simply insert it into your widget. There are some nuances so make sure to watch the video to understand functionality.


Doesn’t let me post two links but here is the JS Code: Exit Intent Mobile JS Script

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@dillonandrew, thank you sooo much for sharing this workaround, it’s awesome! :fire:

Could you please add this solution to our Pro Tips category, too? I’m sure it might appear useful for a lot of users :slight_smile: