Event Calendar: Incorrect date calculation, enhanced link processing + 2 more issues fixed

Several improvements have been made to our Event Calendar app :hammer_and_wrench:

  • The logic for calculating event dates in the configurator has been refined. Previously, some discrepancies could occur sometimes

  • The incorrect display of event dates in the event list has been adjusted. There was an issue with time zone handling, which caused a one-day difference.

  • We’ve added processing of event links imported from Google Calendar. Before, links were received as plain text without hyperlink tags in some cases

  • The logic for generating links to add events to Google Calendar has been improved. Previously, if there was a link in the event description, in the Google Calendar it was displayed as plain text.

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:+1:t3: :+1:t3: :+1:t3:

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@Max !
:tada: :tada::tada: