Duplicate pages in multi-step forms

Possibility to duplicate pages with the same parameters and fields. Or an option to copy & past fields from a page to another.

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Greetings and welcome to the Community @user12746 :wave:

What a cool thought, thanks for sharing! If this request is going to gain ground, we’ll try to think it over in the future.

I’ll update you here in case of any changes :wink:

It would be convinient if the fields can be made draggable and easily moved from each page on multiplestep layout. It is that I have like dozens of fields from a single page that needs to be separated into different pages now I have to re-create each field in the page.

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Very nice suggestion, @Bob4, thank you for your comment!

I’m building a form that uses conditional logic to add a duplicate form on the next page and it would be much more efficient to duplicate a page like an element.

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Love this idea, @Adelaide_Budd, thanks a lot for sharing! And welcome to the community :hugs:

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