Custom Theme Image

In the chatbot themes, there is light and dark version, and light with color accent on top and a grey version, there is 2 with a washout astronaut background version. being able to upload a image to the themes


Hi there, @Norton :wave:

We agree that it would be great to have this option right in the settings. If more users support this idea, we’ll try to think this opportunity over :slightly_smiling_face:

As for now, you can add a custom image using this code in the Custom CSS field on the General tab of your widget’s settings:

[class*="window-wallpaper__Container-sc"] {
background: url(YOUR_URL);
background-size: cover;
opacity: 1;

Do not forget to replace YOUR_URL in the 2nd line of the code with the URL of your image :slightly_smiling_face:

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