Completely hide Spinning Wheel once it's spun

Is there a setting (I don’t see it) so that the visitor is not shown the spinning wheel once they have done it? right now it keeps popping up every time I use it. With the reopen button there is no need for it to keep popping. Is this not possible to stop?

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Hi there, @Edward_Nugent :wave:

I am not sure if it’s feasible now, but I’ll be happy to discuss it with the devs. I’ll get back to you tomorrow :slightly_smiling_face:

thanks Max, we use other widgets and usually set them to appear after 10 or 20 sec on loading and max 2 times or when used. These sort of setting are good to have as otherwise many widgets get in the way and cant be used if they keep popping up on a page load. Edward

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Yeah, I agree that the Frequency setting would be a great enhancement. I’ve added this idea to the Wishlist - Frequency setting like in Popup

In the meantime, devs confirmed that it’s possible to implement this customization! I’ll get back to you once the solution is ready :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi there, @Edward_Nugent :wave:

Here is the code we’ve added to the Custom JS field on the Settings tab of your widget’s settings:

const WIDGET_ID = 'f54667c5-bacc-4ca8-88a5-10a59eadebaf';

const containerClass = '.eapps-spinning-wheel-' + WIDGET_ID + '-custom-css-root';
const storageValue = localStorage.getItem('SpinningWheel.winningRewardId.' + WIDGET_ID);
if (storageValue) {
  const spinResult = JSON.parse(storageValue);
  if (spinResult?.value) {
    document.querySelector('.es-portal-root' + containerClass).style.display = 'none';

Test it out and let me know if you like the result :slightly_smiling_face:

I added that in but not seeing any difference. do i need to enter a frequency count in the css?

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I’ve checked your widget and don’t see the code added there:

Please try to add the code, publish it and check how it works.

Note: Keep in the mind that Custom JS don’t work in the preview mode, so you’ll see the changes only on the page where your widget is installed.

If the code still doesn’t work, please send me a link to the page where your widget is installed. I’ll be happy to check it for you :slightly_smiling_face: