Center widgets on the site page

I set up my photo gallery without any problems. I have incorporated the code of my photo gallery into the site. The gallery appears aligned to the left, I would like it to be positioned in the center of the page. How can I do?

Hi and welcome to the forum!

Please accept my apologies for the long reply, it was a local holiday here :pray:t2:

Could you please send me the link to the page with the widget in question? I’ll be happy to check it for you and provide a solution :slight_smile:

Dear Helga, it is I who thank you for your interest. This is the link of the page you inserted the widget of the photo gallery: Le Calle di zia Sisina
As you will notice it is positioned on the left of the page, I would like it to be centered. On another page of the “About us” site (Le Calle di zia Sisina - Chi siamo) I inserted the OTA review widget and everything went well.
Thank you for your advice. Greetings.

Thank you for the link!

Our developers were happy to align the widget for you, could you please let me know if you like the outcome?

We added the code below to your widget’s Custom CSS field in order to fix the issue:

.global-styles, [data-app='eapps-photo-gallery'] {
    margin: 0 auto;

By the way, if you’d love your widget to be a bit bigger, you’re welcome to change its width in your widget’s Layout tab → Gallery Width.

Please let me know if it helped :slight_smile:

Dear Helga, thank you for your availability. Thanks also to your technicians: it is the result I wanted. I will enlarge the gallery. Thanks again.

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Thank you for the update, I’m happy that you’re good now!

Should any other help needed, we’re always here for you :hugs: