Button hover colour

Hi Max - thanks for the code for the button on the LOGO SHOWCASE widget we are using - its “almost” there - is there any chance of also adding the HOVVER colour change too like the other buttons we are using - so they are all the same style please?

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Hey there, @Khush_Jabble :wave:

Sure! We’ve added this code to your widget:

.eapp-logo-showcase-logo-showcase-component [class*="ButtonBase__ButtonContainer-sc"] {
  transition: background-color 0.3s; 

.eapp-logo-showcase-logo-showcase-component [class*="ButtonBase__ButtonContainer-sc"]:hover {
  background-color: rgb(14, 192, 47) !important;

Please check your widget and let me know if you like what you see :slightly_smiling_face:

NOW its perfect MAX thanks

It all has to match and be consistent across or site


Awesome! You are very welcome :wink:

Hey Max

I know I am a pain lol – but apologies

On the BUTTON widget – how do I get a button to be positioned on the left – NOT FLOATING position – at the moment – wherever I place a button – it ends up in the middle of where I place it

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No need to worry @Khush_Jabble, it’s my pleasure to help you :wink:

This code should do the trick - Align emdedded button to the left

GIve it a try and let e know how it worked.

Perfect as usual - thanks