Hi Max - thanks for the code for the button on the LOGO SHOWCASE widget we are using - its “almost” there - is there any chance of also adding the HOVVER colour change too like the other buttons we are using - so they are all the same style please?
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Hey there, @Khush_Jabble
Sure! We’ve added this code to your widget:
.eapp-logo-showcase-logo-showcase-component [class*="ButtonBase__ButtonContainer-sc"] {
transition: background-color 0.3s;
.eapp-logo-showcase-logo-showcase-component [class*="ButtonBase__ButtonContainer-sc"]:hover {
background-color: rgb(14, 192, 47) !important;
Please check your widget and let me know if you like what you see
NOW its perfect MAX thanks
It all has to match and be consistent across or site
Awesome! You are very welcome
Hey Max
I know I am a pain lol – but apologies
On the BUTTON widget – how do I get a button to be positioned on the left – NOT FLOATING position – at the moment – wherever I place a button – it ends up in the middle of where I place it
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No need to worry @Khush_Jabble, it’s my pleasure to help you
This code should do the trick - Align emdedded button to the left
GIve it a try and let e know how it worked.
Perfect as usual - thanks