Business Hours: Custom JS is supported now

We are beyond thrilled to announce that the Custom JS option has been added to our Business Hours :rocket:

With the Custom JS option, you can add extra features to the widget by writing your own script. You don’t need to reach out to our devs, as you have the freedom to customize it yourself.

Important: Custom JS operates only upon widget installation, but not in preview mode.

You can find this option on the Style tab:

Custom JS Editor has a Validate button, which allows you to check the code validity.

Reminder: the code entered is the body of the function that will be executed when the widget loads on the page. Do not include any <script> tags.

Guys, if any questions come up, don’t shy away to ask them in this thread :slightly_smiling_face:

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Can you provide some examples of what we could do with the Custom JS? Would be great for any of the widgets as well.

Thank you!

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Hi there, @Shawn_Martin :wave:

There are multiple cases for different widgets that can be implemented through the Custom JS feature: adding custom texts, additional fields, some kind of animations, etc.

Here are some examples of the use cases for Business Hours, that have been implemented through the Custom JS:

If you have any ideas, but don’t know how to implement them, just let us know. We’ll be happy to check if anything can be done :slightly_smiling_face:

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