Being able to book an appointment over several days

Hi @Helga, hi @max, hi everyone,

While waiting for the suggestion to be carried out, is there the possibility with a css code to be able to reserve an appointment over several days rather than by choosing a time. Here is what I would like to do:

Is there a possibility to do this with css code while waiting for the suggestion to be realized one day?

Thank you in advance for your response and help.

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Hi @romano97002 :wave:

Unfortunately, it’s impossible to implement such a customization, but we’ll try to consider this feature in the future.

We’ll keep you in the loop in the Wishlist thread :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi @Max and thank you for your response,

What a shame :pensive:

OK thanks anyway.

Hi @Max, hi @Helga, hi everyone,

As it is currently not possible to book an appointment over several days, could you give me a tip to help me do this please?

Thank you in advance for your response and help.

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Hi @romano97002 :wave:

I do understand your concerns, but, unfortunately, there are no workarounds to book appointments over several days at the moment. I am really sorry :pensive:

We agree that this feature would enhance our app, and we’ll have it in mind for the future updates!

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