Auction widget

Original comment transferred from the previous Wishlist portal:

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Unfortunately, I have to say that this widget is unlikely to be released within Q2-Q3, we’re so sorry about this :disappointed_relieved:

Our engineers are swamped with urgent tasks at the moment, and I’m afraid we still don’t have clear release dates for the new widgets.

I’m truly sorry for such a disappointing news, we’re doing everything in our power to get back to developing new widgets.

Thank you for your understanding! :pray:t2:

Helga, Community Manager

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I don’t see it listed but I want to use it asap if there is! (Please lt there be one!)


Hello to this great team!
I would like to know if this tweak is in development or if it is just a prototype, several months ago this link was launched Auction Widget - add auction bidding to your website!
But we still have no news.


@user868 so happy to meet you on the forum! :hugs:

Yeah, I’m really sorry for the radio silence regarding this request :pensive:

The thing is that at the moment, our dev team is super busy with a huge task: brand-new dashboard. This means, that all 86 apps have to be transferred to the new configurator, and all the users transferred to the new dashboard afterwards.

Unfortunately, we had to hurl all effort into this project, but we definitely plan to get back to new apps development. We know that Auction Widget is a very popular request, and I’ll try to affect our dev team to include this one into the list of first newcomers :slight_smile:

Meanwhile, you’re welcome to share all the ideas and suggestions regarding the options you’d love to see in this app!

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When is the Elfsight auction widget going to be released?


Hi @user1498 and welcome to the Elfsight community! :tada:

I’m afraid it’s unlikely that the Auction widget will be released in the near future, although we see how desired this very widget is :disappointed:

This is a very complex app with a very complex logic, and we would not want to give you any hopes at this point.

I’ve moved your comment to the thread with previous discussions and keep you updated on how things are going here.

Thank you very much for sticking with us and for all your help!


@Cory L’Heureux,

Could you share your solution please, I am in need of a bidding widget for my Auction website, it would be greatly appreciated.


@user1787 welcome to the Elfsight Community!

I’m truly sorry that we don’t have the app you’re looking for :frowning:

But I really hope that you’ll find something useful and suitable for your needs among our 84 apps. And we’re always happy to help should any questions or difficulties come up!


This widget would be really beneficial to me also. Keep up the good work.


They have been saying for over a year that they are going to make this widget, I don’t think they ever will. It would be nice if another company would do it


@Trainerw thank you for the kind words, we’re really trying our best :slight_smile:

@user868 you know, we’re ourselves really sorry that we were not able to pull it off :frowning: Our Coming Soon section seemed to be a great idea and motivation, but the circumstances were beyond our control. I have to admit that the Auction App is very complex, and I’m afraid we won’t be able to release it in the near future. But we don’t lose hope to get back to it in the future.

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Auction widget?


@Peters thanks a lot for your interest!

I’ve moved your question to the similar request where I’ll keep you updated on the progress :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, I don’t have an ETA for the time being due to the complexity of such a widget. I’m afraid this is not the widget we will release in the first ranks, but we’ll still try to do our best.

Welcome to the community, by the way! We’re happy to have you with us :slight_smile:

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This will be great if elfsight can create a widget to run auctions for products. I’m a illustration sketch artist who loves art and this app would help. Thanks


Hi @user1873!

Many thanks for sharing your feedback with us and welcome to Community :heart:

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Did this widget ever created?


Welcome to our community, @user12229!

Unfortunately, the Auction widget is not available, and I’m afraid it won’t be released in the near future :frowning:

This is a very complex project, which we’ve had to put on hold. However, we have other exciting widgets and features in development that you might find interesting. Check them out in our In Progress section :blush:


did this auction widget ever get built?


Hi @Tom_Maloney, and welcome!

No, we don’t have the Auction widget, and I’m afraid we don’t have plans on its development as yet :frowning: