The accent color of the widget is applied to the Badge
There is also a separate setting for the Badge color (the checkmark color is inverted depending on the background). Here is how you can find it: Appearance → Review
The Badge has a hover tooltip with the default text Verified Customer. This text can be changed in the Language Control:
I am so sorry that this caused inconvenience to you! Unfortunately, there is no option to change this behavior. The badge is a part of the author’s name. So, to avoid overlapping, the available space for the name has slightly decreased.
As a workaround, you can increase the width of reviews by reducing the number of columns or just disable the Verified Badge.
i hope this explains things.
If any other questions come up, please do not hesitate to contact us here
Hello @Max I changed the display of authors name and it seems to work.
[class^=‘ReviewAuthorName__AuthorName-sc-11w9fv5-1 binodp’]{
display: inline-table;