All-in-One Reviews: Set a Verified Badge next to the author’s name

Dear Elfs,

A new feature for our All-in-One Reviews app has just been released :fire:

We’ve added a Verified Badge next to the author’s name :ballot_box_with_check:

  • The setting is disabled by default:

  • The accent color of the widget is applied to the Badge

  • There is also a separate setting for the Badge color (the checkmark color is inverted depending on the background). Here is how you can find it: AppearanceReview

  • The Badge has a hover tooltip with the default text Verified Customer. This text can be changed in the Language Control:

  • The color of the tooltip changes depending on the selected theme (dark or light)

Please do not forget to share your ideas regarding the feature :wink: Your feedback is really important to us!


Thats a nice idea @Max however the badge cut the long names. How can I fix that?
Screenshot 2022-12-20 at 9.11.25 PM

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Oh, sorry about that, @Giorgos!

We’ll check this and get back to you with the news :slight_smile:

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Hello @Giorgos!

Thank you for waiting!

I am so sorry that this caused inconvenience to you! Unfortunately, there is no option to change this behavior. The badge is a part of the author’s name. So, to avoid overlapping, the available space for the name has slightly decreased.

As a workaround, you can increase the width of reviews by reducing the number of columns or just disable the Verified Badge.

i hope this explains things.

If any other questions come up, please do not hesitate to contact us here :wink:

Hello @Max I changed the display of authors name and it seems to work.
[class^=‘ReviewAuthorName__AuthorName-sc-11w9fv5-1 binodp’]{
display: inline-table;
Screenshot 2022-12-22 at 12.43.42 PM

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Hello @Giorgos!

It’s really great that you’ve made a CSS code and it’s working fine for you.

I’ve sent this CSS to our devs and they’ve changed it a bit:

display: inline-table;

I’d like to tell you, this type of CSS may work incorrectly, so, you can face this issue:

This is the reason why we didn’t use inline-table. However, if you’d like to try this option, please feel free to use it :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you @Max I use list layout so I didn’t face that issue. I tested also from mobile device and it’s ok. Yes, maybe on grid layout it’s a problem.


@Giorgos I am so happy to hear that it works for you :slightly_smiling_face:

If any questions come up, please feel free to contact us!

Have a nice day!

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