All-in-One Reviews Auto slide issue

Hi @Ingrid_van_Waard :wave:

Your point regarding the Adblocker sounds reasonable and I’ve shared your feedback with our team.

As for the “jump” between the 3rd and 4th, I see the issue again. Please accept my sincere apologies for all the inconvenience caused.

I’ve recorded the video screencast of the issue and forwarded it to the devs. I’ll keep updated!

Thanks, Max. I’ll keep checking, but as I said, it’s good that it’s all working well on mobile!
Kind regards,

Hi @Ingrid_van_Waard :wave:

I’ve talked to the devs regarding the “jump” issue. They will try to find a solution, but I am afraid it might take some time. Anyway, we’ll do our best to fix it as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, we’ve followed your request and removed the custom script from your widget’s settings. This adjustment results in a slight delay before sliding to the 3rd review, eliminating the “jump” issue. Please check your website and let me know if it’s fine for you :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi Max, thanks, I will wait then, but it doesn’t look bad when I check it now. On mobile, it all works fine, as usual, with no jumps or issues. And on PC/laptop, it looks like the real ‘stops’ are now gone. It moves mostly in a fairly steady rhythm from review to review. Sometimes a slide goes a little quicker and sometimes a slide takes a little longer, but you only notice this if you are counting along. So good enough :blush:.
What probably helped: I juggled the interviews around in the list “filter” under “source”. Trial and error until it took a sequence where the one with the longest title comes in the first row, and that seems to prevent the jump later. It’s a pity that you cannot simply influence the order by dragging them up and down in the list. It looks like it has this facility, as you can drag them to change the order, but it doesn’t influence the order of play. I do not see an option to also play them in the order of the list. Only to choose “newest first” or “random” under SORTING. So I kept changing the order in the list with “random” as the sorting order until it happened that the longer title was the first row. But it would be better if you could choose the order of play. Then I could also make sure that the sources are more alternating. It now looks like reviews are grouped by source, because it starts with 7 of the 8 TripAdvisor reviews, before you see there are also Facebook and Google reviews. So being able to define the order is probably one for the wishlist. Or do I overlook how to do this? Because I can see the possibility of moving the reviews up and down the list with a drag handle.
Kind regards,

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Hi @Ingrid_van_Waard :wave:

Happy to hear that you are good now!

As for the custom review order, I totally agree that it would be a great option and I’ve added your idea to the Wishlist. You can keep an eye on it here - Custom order