Affiliate Links for Widget Builders 🥳

Now, you can showcase the power of Elfsight widgets and earn commissions at the same time. Adding online builders of Elfsight top widgets using a simple iFrame option will do the trick! :moneybag:

Here’s how it works:

  1. Log into your dashboard -

  2. Go to OffersAvailableGet Links

  3. Select a required widget from the Transits list.

  4. Embed a widget builder via iFrame, adding your link as a source:

<iframe width="100%" height="100%" src="TRACKING_LINK" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Find full tutorial here →

Why is this exciting?

Thanks to this update, your audience creates and buys Elfsight widgets without leaving your site. Here are some awesome perks:

:white_check_mark: Get them more engaged and boost those affiliate sales!

:white_check_mark: Give your audience something valuable in return.

:white_check_mark: Watch your passive income grow!

Leave your feedback and feel free to get assistance at :wink:

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