Adjust vertical offset for reopen button

The reopen buttons are a great way to make a popup accessible as a quick navigation for users, for example. We have different user groups and want to offer relevant shortcuts to important resources for all of them. Our use case requires more than one reopen button in one location. Hence being able to adjust vertical offset with a pixel or % setting would be awesome.
I imagine that others who only use one reopen button also would like to adjust its position vertically a bit more precisely depending on the website design.

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Hi there @M11 :wave:

I completely get where you’re coming from, and I couldn’t agree more about that it would be a great option to adjust vertical offset for the Reopen button right in the configurator.

We’ll try to take it under consideration in the future. All the updates will be posted here :slightly_smiling_face:

Many thanks for adding your idea to the Wishlist!