Hi all,
I think that having some first party support for handling play/pause event in the music widget will be great!
Ideally, every kind of user tracking event will be useful but, for just a simple implementation, play should be enough
Hi all,
I think that having some first party support for handling play/pause event in the music widget will be great!
Ideally, every kind of user tracking event will be useful but, for just a simple implementation, play should be enough
Hey there and welcome to the Community, @Smart_Noise_Team
Glad to say that it’s possible to track the clicks on this button using a Google Analytics code. . Please add this part of the code to your website <head>
<script async src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=UA-ID"></script>
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
gtag('js', new Date());
gtag('config', 'UA-ID');
In the code above, you need to replace UA-ID with your actual website ID for Google Analytics. If you are using Google Analytics 4, you need to use G-ID instead of UA-ID (see screenshot). This article will help you find your ID - Find your Google tag ID.
And then just add the rest of the script right before closing </body>
function eappsDispatchAnalyticsEvent(event, selector, config) {
function sendEvent(config) {
if (typeof ga !== "undefined") {
ga('send', 'event', {
eventAction: config.action,
eventCategory: config.category,
eventLabel: config.label
if (typeof gtag !== "undefined") {
gtag('event', config.action, {
'event_category': config.category,
'event_label': config.label
function isHitClass(e, selector) {
return e.target && e.target.closest(selector)
if (isHitClass(event, selector)) {
document.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
eappsDispatchAnalyticsEvent(event, '[class*="Play__Component-sc"]', {
action: 'click',
category: 'Elfsight Player Play Button',
label: 'Elfsight Player Play Button'
}, true);
Try it out and let me know how it worked