Add sorting options (date, random, alphabetical)

The YouTube gallery displays the videos from a playlist in ascending order. It would be nice if displaying in descending order was an option so that the latest video always displays first.


Folks, our former Wishlist portal, where our users shared their requests and suggestions, was transferred to this forum. You’re most welcome to vote, add new ideas, and leave your comments here — we surely will consider them all! :star_struck:

Original Votes: 1


Thanks for submitting your request!

We will try to find a way to implement an option to set the order for the videos. Thanks a lot for your help :slight_smile:

Helga, Community Manager

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Make it possible to sort all my YouTube videos in my widget alphabetically.


@Barb great point, thank you for sharing!

We’ll try to think about it in our next updates :slight_smile:

I would like to support this. Especially for playlists having the option to sort by newest first (the default still remains the playlist order as it currently is) would be great. I use automation to add to my playlists, but also from my TV - this results in a pretty random order in the playlist, and anything new I added appears at the very bottom of the playlist. It would be great if the widget had the option to sort the playlist by date so new items always appear at the top, regardless of when I added them to the playlist. :pray:


Hi @SteveDigital :wave:

I completely get where you’re coming from, and I couldn’t agree more that the sorting options would definitely enhance our YouTube Gallery app. We’ll try to take this suggestion under consideration and I’ll make sure to update you here in case of any news :slightly_smiling_face:

Many thanks for pointing us in this direction!

I would like a sort button on the Youtube widget to be able to show videos in 3 ways: Random, Oldest, Newest


Hi @Tajee_Turner and welcome aboard :wave:

Many thanks for sharing your suggestion!

Do I understand right that you want to allow your website visitors to sort videos using this button? Or you mean just a setting in the configurator which you can use to display videos in a certain way?

Good Morning,

Thanks for the response! I was referring to having a setting in the YouTube widget’s configurator to display videos in a certain order such as by oldest, newest, or random.


Got it, thanks!

We already have a similar request in the Wishlist and I’ve merged your comment with it.

All the updates will be posted here :slightly_smiling_face:

i could not find order options on settings. to see new videos i have to click pages next and next…

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Hi there @OKAN_KUCUK :wave:

Currently, our YouTube Gallery app displays the playlist the same way it is displayed on your YouTube Channel.

An option to sort videos by date isn’t supported in our app, but we already have such a request in the Wishlist. I’ve moved your comment to the related thread, where we’ll keep you updated :slightly_smiling_face:

However, there is a good news: you can change the video order right on YouTube. Here is an article that goes through every detail of sorting your videos: Changing video order in YouTube Gallery widget.

Please note that it can be done only within playlists.

Also sorting by views would be nice

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Hi @Itsfunny :wave:

Hmm, I love your idea, thanks for sharing! We’ll try to consider Views sorting option as well :slightly_smiling_face:


I requested this a year ago to no avail. You tube displays videos on your channel chronologically, why can’t Elfsight?

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Hi there @user13625 :wave:

I do understand your concerns and really sorry that this feature isn’t supported yet.

Currently, our widget displays the playlist the same way it is displayed on your YouTube Channel. Thus, if you’d like to change the video order in the widget, you should change it on YouTube. Here is an article explaining how you can do this - Changing video order in YouTube Gallery widget - Elfsight Help Center

However, we agree that it would be really helpful to have the date sorting option right in the widget editor, and we’ll try to consider this opportunity in the future.

We’ll keep you posted here in case of any changes :slightly_smiling_face: