Add Company Logo and Signature to "Notify Respondents" Email

Hi there,

I just realised it´s impossible to add a Logo or Signature to the automatic generated "Notify Respondents"email.

Having a feature to add such would increase the seriousness of those auto response emails alot!


Hi @David_Hrlic and welcome to Community :heart:

Many thanks for sharing your idea in our Wishlist!

I totally agree that it would be great to upload images to Notify Respondents email

However, we’ve talked with our devs once again and they’ve provided a custom workaround to add logo or signature. You can do this via Code Editor option. Just upload the image to some hosting and add html link to Code Editor. Here is an example of such a link: <a href='' target='_blank'><img src='' border='0' alt='BMW-logo-gray-svg'/></a>

Please check it and let me know if it helped :slightly_smiling_face:

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With the powerful and flexible conditional logic form builder from Elfsight, I thought of using but later I found out that the auto response email is unable to add logo or signature as what other platform is offering. I hope this will be available soon.

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Hi @WOWGary :wave:

I do see your point, and I’m very sorry that our widget doesn’t support this feature. We’ll try to implement an option to add company logo and signature in our future updates. We’ll keep you in the loop here :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you for pointing us in this direction!