Ability to delete comments

We need the ability to delete Facebook comments from the widget. Super important so that we can properly moderate!


Thanks a lot for your suggestion, @Stephen_Warner, and welcome to the community!

We’ll try to think about your request, I’ll let you know here in case of any changes :slight_smile:

Thank you for your help!

You are going to “think about” @Stephen_Warner request? Not being able to moderate FB comments is the reason I just canceled my membership. It’s pretty important!

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@Mick_Lexington thank you for your comment, I’m so sorry to hear that our widget didn’t meet your expectations.

I totally understand your frustration and I wish we were able to include an option to delete comments manually, but for the moment Facebook Comments widget is not in the short list for updating, I’m really sorry :frowning:

It’s still important for us to get feedback from you to know what features you need and what use cases you have, so we appreciate any comments from you.

We’re trying our hardest to provide the best service possible, but for the time being we have to prioritize things. I hope it will be less tense in the future, and we’ll be able to implement cool features in a much more prompt fashion :slight_smile:

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us! I still hope our other widgets could be a good solution for your other projects. And we’re always here if any assistance needed :raised_hands:t2: