Video Player for live streaming (like Flow Player)

Hi there, @Von_Erick_SANON :wave:

We already have a similar suggestion on the Wishlist and I’ve merged your comment with the existing request.

Could you just describe your use case in more detail and clarify what you mean under the TV stream? Do you want to show the live stream of the specific TV channel?

The widget on elfsight only support YouTube and Vimeo , but we need a widget for a personalized stream to put a personalized stream

Got you, thanks!

È possibile creare un lettore iptv da inserire le mie liste da collegare un sito pubblico

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Widegt in which tou can upload videontonplay one after one another as one stream, not a playlist, so viewers can look atbis almost as if it was a online tv channel.Thank you! :blush:


Hey there, @user19674 and welcome to the Community :wave:

We already have a similar suggestion on the Wishlist, and I’ve merged your comment with the existing request. All the updates will be posted here :slightly_smiling_face:

Saluti e benvenuto a bordo, @mifaccio_gliaffarimi :wave:

Questa idea è già nella Wishlist. Ho spostato il tuo commento nel thread correlato, dove ti terremo aggiornato :slightly_smiling_face:

Greetings and welcome aboard, @mifaccio_gliaffarimi :wave:

This idea is already on the Wishlist. I’ve moved your comment to the related thread, where we’ll keep you in the loop :slightly_smiling_face: