Update Displayed Reviews Every 24 hours (Reduce Cache)

@Max @Helga A 24 hr seems fair as we continue to aspire for Instant cache time, I know, I am adding more wood to fire. Regarding the timestamp, I believe that comes from google maybe you guys need to keep it as google has it in months and within weeks is a NEW review
Screenshot 2025-01-23 091233
I do not understand, why is more important a timestamp than a good review or rating, or what its more credible and trustworthy is the relationship that you have with your clients. Anything else is bogus


Hey @Norton, thanks a lot for your comment!

The ā€œNewā€ badge idea sounds interesting, but it will probably work best if reviews get your way too frequently. Otherwise, it might look quite untidy. But anyway, youā€™re welcome to open a separate topic with this feature request, maybe other users will find your idea really useful :slight_smile:

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@Helga @Max @Andrei

I donā€™t quite understand why, if you already know thereā€™s an existing wishlist on this topic, you create another one with the same theme. Wouldnā€™t it make more sense to inform the person to add their request or vote for the existing wishlist? Why create 100 wishlists on the same theme?


Hi @George7 :wave:

Thank you for the comment!

User 20245 suggested implementation of caching for rating and number of reviews to improve the widgetā€™s loading speed. So, this request isnā€™t related to reducing the cache time.


When will you start working on this task? Weā€™ve been waiting for a very long time, and honestly, we canā€™t wait any longer. Please tell me exactly and clearly when you will begin working on this task?


@TutoriGo unfortunately, we cannot provide an exact release date at this time, and I believe weā€™ve previously explained that delivering certain features as quickly as weā€™d like can be challenging.

Please rest assured that we do everything possible to enhance our widgets, and we strive to do it as promptly as possible, especially when many users would benefit from them. However, itā€™s disheartening to see our efforts overlooked, if Iā€™m honest.

That said, weā€™re continuing to work on the different cache timing options, and Iā€™ve brought this request to our dev teamā€™s attention once again. Hopefully, Iā€™ll be able to give a more specific update soon.


Stop fooling us and telling us the same thing over and over! You keep saying it will happen soon, but now itā€™s almost March, and itā€™s been a whole year of waiting. Just tell us the truth will this implementation happen or not? Weā€™re all waiting like fools!

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Hello @Safety, thank you for your interest in this request!

We understand there are features youā€™d love to see released as soon as possible, and weā€™re always happy to hear your thoughts and suggestions. Just to clarify, the Wishlist is a place where you can request features, but we canā€™t promise specific release dates, as they depend on various factors.

Regarding this specific request, as mentioned previously, right now weā€™re working on introducing different cache time options for each plan. This task is in the Development stage, and our devs are working on it right now. Iā€™ll be happy to share more as soon as I have an update from the dev team.

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Let me tell you, for event calendar google sync requested back in 2020 with higher support than this, and more messages, just barely got implemented last summer.

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