Choose date for tandomly repeated events

i have a food truck and we have many different dates at diffenent locations and would like be able select multidates for all theses events.


Hi there, @user1823 :wave:

If I got you right, you have repeated events and you’d like to set the repetitions for them instead of manually adding each separate event. In this case, you can set the repetitions right in the event settings:

However, if it’s not what you meant, please describe your idea in more detail :slightly_smiling_face:

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the dates repeat on multiple different dates of week , month , year not the same day or week

example is i have a brewery in january and the dates 8,10 11,15,17,23,29,31

i would have to manual select each non repeating day

what would be easier would be to select all possible days of the week,month that would be for that event


Got it, thanks!

Currently, it’s impossible to implement this functionality. I’ve added this idea to the Wishlist and if it gets more votes, we’ll try to consider this opportunity in the future :slightly_smiling_face: